Agribusiness Consultancy For African Market | Advisory

Agribusiness Consultancy For African Market | Advisory

Are you a Nigerian or African passionate about agribusiness, whether you’re based at home or in the diaspora? Whether you’re starting afresh, expanding existing operations, or revitalizing struggling ventures in Nigeria or elsewhere in Africa, you understand the challenges and opportunities that abound in the agricultural sector. Perhaps you’re intrigued by innovative farming techniques like

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How to Start a Charcoal Exporting Business in Nigeria

How to Start a Charcoal Exporting Business in Nigeria

Starting a charcoal export business can be challenging, especially for beginners. However, it is a lucrative venture worth considering. Success in this business requires resilience and the ability to gather information from relevant sources while avoiding information overload. Charcoal exportation offers impressive profit margins. The international selling price of charcoal ranges from $400 to $800

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How to Identify Potential Export Markets for Agricultural Products

How to Identify Potential Export Markets for Agricultural Products

In today’s interconnected global economy, the export of agricultural products offers immense opportunities for growth and profit. However, identifying the right export markets is a crucial step that can make or break your venture. Going through the complex landscape of international trade requires a strategic approach, grounded in thorough research and analysis. The global demand

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How To Start A Lucrative Cucumber Farming Business In Nigeria

How To Start A Lucrative Cucumber Farming Business In Nigeria

Cucumber farming is a thriving agricultural venture across Nigeria and Africa, with both local and international demand. In Nigeria alone, annual cucumber consumption hits approximately 3, 500,000 metric tonnes, signifying its important role in the agricultural landscape. Mostly farmed in the northern regions of Nigeria, cucumber farming is a vital livelihood source for numerous smallholder

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How to Export Coconut from Nigeria

How to Export Coconut from Nigeria

The coconut industry in Nigeria presents a promising opportunity for entrepreneurs and farmers looking to venture into the export market. With its diverse climatic conditions and fertile soil, Nigeria has a significant potential for coconut cultivation. Coconut cultivation in Nigeria is a thriving agricultural practice that spans various regions of the country. In this article,

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